Why I jumped out as UI/UX designer?- The relationship between UI/UX, consumerism and convenience.

UI/UX had been come out as one of the trend since 2010s, it had a boom which brings more need in digital transformation and technology. But after pandemic, the position of need in UX had sharply slowed down due to the overwhelming of products and the market.

Chao-Ling Chyou
4 min readMar 10, 2024

How UI/UX had been occurred as the trend?

Since and around 2000s, the computer had been created and innovated in the late of 1990s. Those computer company tried to develop the computer to help people to use Internet for efficient and effective solutions in our daily life.

What the computer literally had brings in? It would be “interfaces”!

While people started to use computer gradually, they started to put their business, services, and our daily routines on the Internet through computer. If you sell your vintage on the website, what you need to do is to operate the computer and put the clothes picture, product name and detail-oriented information virtually. The things helps people operate the website and computer, which is called “interfaces”.

In 2010s, As we began crafting our daily life on computer, we relied on more tasks that achieved via computer for long-term and short-term tasks, the interfaces almost occupied our daily life not just computer but also mobile phone. It brings up the starting point of UI/UX — which literally had new subject which aimed at building up the interfaces with layout, grids, and objects, which aligned with people’s expectations with “convenience” world.

In the middle of 2010s, UI/UX is the newly subject which showed up in the surface. As more and more applications created, the need of UI/UX had be a huge surge of trend which people started to see it as new techniques which gain more money. More and more people started to pursue their career develop in UI/UX design.

Since the end of 2010s to the beginning of 2020s, UI/UX continuously had huge development in the tech company with product development, which lead to company development toward users.

The relationship with convenience and consumerism in UX development

Since the whole civilisation is trying to pursue convenience for “better life”, meaning that we would like to build up more applications, technology and products aligned with our desire and need, which can help people bring more development to. Convenience is the narrative which exploited human’s well-beings, trigger people to do the things which will lead human’s behaviours are relied on new technology with lack of ability to do the things by yourselves.

UX is the subject which is developed by the people’s desire with convenience. Whilst we produce the system and service for more money and benefits, the way we collect more human’s behaviour which is aiming to create usability toward end users gradually, the more we exploited people’s data and privacy deeply with more profits in the company and organisation.

For example, as we are in the early stage for product development, what we probably will do in the beginning is defining business model and further pathways strategy in product like what are marketing opportunities now in the market, and what is targeted users, and long-term planning.
While the product in onboard in the market, the UX team members like UX/UI designers or UX researchers will start to revamp the better convenience experience in using design thinking methods for the users in order to create more and more money for the company. As the company literally hold the benefits from UX but gradually had limitation in lack of value in UX especially lack of profits after keep shaping, the company will lead to the possible axing job in UX. It will trigger the truth that the consumerism and capitalism means, once the things can not be used or get profits by the company or not aligned with expectations in the company financial requirement, it will be quickly abandon by the seniors, leading to less job opportunities in UX since 2022 alongside with more competitors in applying UX job.

This means UX designers will need to highly compete the one positions to get a job, on the other hand, UX’s need is decline sharply since pandemic.

UX job opening had fallen since 2022

UX Issues— the bias of design thinking methodologies, causing the side effects for the end users and the result of disposable ecosystem.

On the other hand, as I worked in healthcare start-up previously, the team starting to crafting UX experience of the product, once I get the research insights from the users, user had already mentioned that the they are really concerned about the privacy and data precautions, like where data will be stored or their health data will be collected. Also, users also concern about

Once the experience of specific product will be aligned with users behaviours and habits or their short-term goal, the company will probably abandon UX designers, may remaining the people who can bring more values and benefits. Those are against with my values of unbias, and exploited people with consumerism.

UX bye.

Thanks for reading.



Chao-Ling Chyou

Previous UX Designer/researcher. Now Product/Project manager. Based in London/Taipei.